Yesterday, Scotland beat Brazil 5-3. At football. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that you'll find this fact trumpeted on the back page of whichever newspaper you read every day. This is because neither team was made up of millionaire professionals drawn from the best leagues in the world nor, in Scotland's case, Scottish footballers.
Both teams are competing in
the Homeless World Cup which is taking place in Edinburgh until Sunday. The game differs slightly from 'normal' football in that there are four players from each side on pitch. Substitutions are rolling, in a similar fashion to basketball or ice hockey and the pitch, much smaller than a regular football pitch, is enclosed on four sides much like an ice hockey rink. Each half lasts 7 minutes, but besides that, it's more or less football as anyone on the planet would recognise it.
Except, possibly, that everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Even when they're losing.